What should educators do if they catch students vaping at school?
Here are suggestions for how best to address student tobacco use in school.
4 tips for quitting tobacco from Millie Martinez, a former menthol smoker
If you or someone you care about is making a pledge to quit smoking, there are tools and resources to help.
Helping people with HIV/AIDS quit smoking
Smoking cigarettes is dangerous for everyone, but for people with HIV, it puts them at a higher risk of the negative health effects of tobacco use and HIV-re
6 tips for people trying to quit smoking
Here are six tips to help you or someone you know successfully quit smoking and go smoke-free.
Vaping Nicotine and Mental Health Infographic
Vaping nicotine and mental health one page infographic
truth debunks myth that vaping nicotine relieves stress
The new Breath of Stress Air effort busts the fantasy that vaping nicotine is a stress reliever and calls the tobacco industry out for promoting e-cigarettes
Tips for quitting tobacco during times of stress
Stress and anxiety related to the COVID-19 pandemic can present challenges for any tobacco user who is trying to quit, but these challenges are manageable wi
How the tobacco industry markets vaping nicotine as stress relief
Some vape manufacturers are using a similar strategy to market e-cigarettes that tobacco companies used for decades to sell cigarettes: advertising them as s
“E-cig” or “vape”? Why semantics matter
If someone is puffing on an electronic device, is that product called an e-cig; vape; hookah pen?
Internet tools can help smokers quit
Web-based interventions can be just as effective at helping smokers quit as face-to-face or telephone counseling, and are more effective than print materials
How quitting nicotine can improve mental health
Quitting can alleviate symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and lead to long-term improved mental health, and free, anonymous quit support tailored specifically t
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