Why local governments should take action on menthol cigarette sales
The evidence supporting a ban on menthol cigarettes is clear.
How some local governments are keeping the number of tobacco retailers in check
Measures to restrict tobacco retailer licensing and density are one way to combat the impact of tobacco point-of-sale marketing.
Tobacco is a social justice issue: Racial and ethnic minorities
Tobacco use disproportionately affects minority groups, who have a long history of being targeted by the tobacco industry.
Young adults living in vulnerable D.C. communities see more flavored tobacco marketing
Young people living in areas with lower incomes, higher proportions of racial/ethnic minorities, and higher smoking rates had more than seven times higher od
5 things the tobacco industry didn’t do until it was forced to
Tobacco companies have historically not stopped or attempted to rectify some of their worst offenses until they were forced to by new regulations or a court
Big Tobacco forced to tell the truth with TV and print ads
Tobacco companies are being forced to run court-ordered TV and newspaper ads about how they manipulated cigarettes and lied to the American people.
Public and pharmacists urge Walgreens halt tobacco sales nationwide
Truth Initiative is attending a Walgreens shareholders meeting to deliver a petition and urging the pharmacy chain to go tobacco-free.
How the tobacco industry uses sponsored content in major media outlets to shift public perception
The tobacco industry is taking advantage of marketing channels that are still open to them to remake their reputations by promoting their products as “safer
Why are 72% of smokers from lower-income communities?
Tobacco companies have targeted low-income populations in many ways over many years, creating smoking rate disparities that did not previously exist.
3 lessons from the truth® campaign: How effective branding can save lives
Researchers who analyzed the impact of the truth campaign have provided some valuable evidence about the role of branding in influencing health behaviors.
How local governments are countering industry efforts to sell cheap tobacco
Tobacco companies spent over $8.6 billion on marketing in retail establishments, also called point-of-sale marketing, in 2014 (the most recent figures availa
Federal court orders FDA to quickly implement graphic cigarette warnings as mandated by law
A federal court has ordered the FDA to quickly issue a final rule requiring graphic health warnings on cigarette packs and advertising, as mandated by the To
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