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3 ways tobacco use impacts your sex life
Big Tobacco works hard to make smoking and vaping seem sexy.
Slim and stylish: How tobacco companies hooked women by “feminizing” cigarettes
In the 1920s, Lucky Strike unveiled a new advertising campaign that was credited with increasing the brand’s cigarettes sales more than 300 percent in the fi
“Tobacco-free nicotine” labels for e-cigarettes increase purchase intentions among teen e-cigarette users
A new study finds that labeling e-cigarettes with “tobacco-free nicotine” increases teenage e-cigarette users’ intentions to purchase e-cigarettes
E-cigarettes drive overall youth tobacco use to highest rate in nearly two decades
New data from the 2019 National Youth Tobacco Survey show that 31.2% of high school students and 12.5% of middle school students are using some type of tobac
Gamechanger: Shifting from Tobacco Control to Ending the Industry’s Influence for Good
The concept of “endgame” is a strategy to move to a time when commercial tobacco and nicotine use – with the exception of FDA-approved medications – are no l
JUUL on YouTube
Researchers found more than 8,000 JUUL-related videos that received a total of 260 million views over the 3-year period from 2016 to 2018.
A look at how Big Tobacco infiltrated baseball
Big Tobacco heavily investing in tactics to link tobacco with baseball including in-game promotions, stadium advertising, and the creation of collectible bas
Quitting e-cigarettes
Truth Initiative has expanded its quit-smoking resources to include the first-of-its kind e-cigarette quit program.
Young Activists Join with truth® to Demand Action on Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars
Youth and young adults deliver digital petition during in-person meetings with the White House and Congressional members.
Fewer than half of young people aware of connection between vaping and COVID-19 risk
The new campaign from truth is working to change misperceptions about e-cigarette use and the risk of testing positive for COVID-19.
New Truth Initiative data show 1.2 million youth and young adults started using e-cigarettes since FDA missed the September 9, 2021, court-ordered deadline to remove unreviewed products from the market
A new analysis from Truth Initiative shows the high cost of the FDA’s inaction, estimating that nearly 2.5 million youth and young adults (15-24 years old) h
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