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    Displaying 252 of 252 Search Results

  1. States can help finish the fight against tobacco by boosting funding for tobacco prevention

    The states are missing a golden opportunity to save millions of lives and billions of dollars in health care costs because they continue to shortchange prove

  2. Page

    Website Policies

    Terms and conditions, privacy policy and DMCA notice

  3. News Article News Article Research & Resources

    How to help your child quit vaping

    If you’re a parent trying to help a child quit using JUUL or other e-cigarette, here are some tips for how to start from the experts behind the evidence-base

  4. Report Report Research & Resources

    While you were streaming: Smoking on demand

    A surge in tobacco imagery on TV, Netflix and other streaming platforms is putting youth at risk.

  5. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Menthol: Facts, stats and regulations

    Menthol makes cigarettes and other tobacco products easier to smoke — and harder to quit.

  6. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    Cigars: Facts, stats and regulations

    Truth Initiative summarized the truth about little cigars, cigarillos and cigars.

  7. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    How tobacco companies use experiential marketing

    Experiential marketing — the tactic of encouraging consumers to experience or interact with a brand at recreational venues and events, such as concerts, bars

  8. Report Report Research & Resources

    Tobacco Nation: A Call to Eliminate Geographic Smoking Disparities in the U.S.

    Smoking prevalence is nearly 50% higher in a group of Midwestern and Southern states compared to the rest of the country.

  9. Page
  10. Report Report Research & Resources

    Tobacco Nation: The deadly state of smoking disparity in the U.S.

    Smoking rates in “Tobacco Nation” are undermining dramatic declines in smoking across America.

  11. Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Research & Resources

    The link between cannabis and tobacco

    This resource presents information about the current state of legalization and changing state laws regarding cannabis, the evolving product landscape, as wel

  12. Report Report Research & Resources

    Tobacco Nation: An ongoing crisis

    Examining the health and policy disparities of U.S. states with the highest smoking rates.