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Monitoring the future reveals good and bad news underscoring need for education and regulation
New data from the 2017 Monitoring the Future study show a drop in teen smoking, but may hide the true vaping rates due to awareness issues about nicotine.
Philip Morris announcement to spend nearly $1 billion to end smoking sounds like fake news
The tobacco industry creating a foundation to end smoking is an affront to public health advocates who have been working tirelessly to end the tobacco use ep
How celebrity-branded and tech-forward e-cigarettes may be contributing to youth nicotine use
In the growing e-cigarette marketplace, celebrity brands and tech-forward designs may be contributing to youth uptake of these cheap, flavored, and highly ad
JUUL on YouTube
Researchers found more than 8,000 JUUL-related videos that received a total of 260 million views over the 3-year period from 2016 to 2018.
Vaping prevention and quit resources: top tips for parents and educators
Here are free resources that exist to help prevent youth e-cigarette use and help those already vaping quit.
Quitting vaping in 2024: Top tips and resources
There are many reasons people want to quit vaping, including physical or mental health concerns, financial cost, freedom from addiction, and influence from f
Nearly half of all cancer deaths in the U.S. are preventable — and smoking is a leading risk factor
A new study by the American Cancer Society found that 44% of all cancer deaths among U.S.
Educators share how a free vaping prevention curriculum has helped their students
As youth continue to use e-cigarettes at alarming rates, vaping has become a major distraction for many educators and students
Industry influencer: how tobacco content is infiltrating social media
Tobacco content, including branded promotional content and misinformation about tobacco and nicotine, is commonplace on social media.
Authorities step up measures to address unauthorized e-cigarette sales
The battle against illegal e-cigarettes has intensified as federal and state authorities take action to protect young people from the thousands of unauthoriz
Drop in smoking rate proves public education and smart public policy works
The fact that fewer adults are smoking is spectacular news and a credit to the combined efforts of the entire tobacco control community.
Displaying 12 of 508 Search Results